Adrenal glands are important for the whole body. These small layered glands are located on top of the kidneys. In fact, they are important for healthy kidney function and hormone production – especially stress hormones and sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone).

The adrenal glands secrete several hormones, such as steroids and adrenaline. These hormones improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system and regulate blood pressure. They also help the body cope with stress, so problems with their release lead to numerous health problems.

Adrenal fatigue

Adrenal fatigue reduces hormone levels that can affect every part of your body. Left unattended, adrenal fatigue can lead to adrenal insufficiency.

Some of the signs of adrenal fatigue include:

  • Hair loss
  • Bad dream
  • Brittle nails and / or dry skin
  • Chronic body and emotional fatigue
  • Brain fog and memory loss
  • Body aches or chronic muscle pain
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Blurry vision
  • Cardiopalmus
  • hypoglycemia
  • Irritability
  • lethargy
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low sex drive
  • Muscle weakness
  • Thyroid problems
  • Uterine myoma
  • Unexplained weight loss or increase

The following natural homemade recipe with Brazilian walnuts helps you support the function of the adrenal glands, and here's how to cook it:


  • 2/3 cup brazilian walnuts
  • 2/3 cup dried parsley leaves
  • 4 tablespoons of pure natural honey
  • 5 tablespoons organic coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of ginger root
  • 1/3 cup raisins


You have to mix dried parsley leaves and Brazilian walnuts in a blender, and then add honey, coconut oil. raisins and ginger. Mix until you get a uniform mixture.

 Use two tablespoons of this homemade, natural remedy for raising the adrenal glands early in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach.

You must take this dose 2 or 3 times throughout the week. Thus, you give the adrenal gland an impulse, and you will immediately see and feel the changes in your body.

Your sleep quality will improve, your hair will look healthy, and its natural shine will be obvious to everyone, and your nails will not break at the slightest exacerbation. They will be healthy and very strong.

Additional tips on maintaining adrenal health:

  • Avoid caffeine
  • Reduce or eliminate alcohol
  • Ditch the sweets
  • Stop using the microwave
  • Avoid hydrogenated oils (rapeseed, corn, and soybean oil)
  • Drink more water

Herbs and Supplements

Ashwagandha: used in Ayurvedic medicine, as you know, helps us respond to stress and balance hormones and blood sugar levels. You can find it in tea, tinctures and capsules in health food stores or online.
Holy Basil: This herb lowers cortisol and regulates corticosterone, helping to balance the adrenal glands. This herb protects your hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands.

Licorice root: contains phytonutrient, triterpenoid saponins, which regulate cortisol. Licorice can be taken in the form of tea or in the form of capsules to support the adrenal cortex, regulate blood sugar levels and balance hormones.

Fish oil supplement: essential fish oil fatty acids inhibit the activation of the adrenal glands caused by mental stress, soothing the central nervous system

Magnesium: This relaxing mineral reduces the production of cortisol and is responsible for hundreds of body functions.

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