A lot people find them extremely hard to reduce or eliminate the accumulated fat deposits in the abdominal area, and what is even more alarming is that scientists have confirmed that belly fat are actually linked to serious health effects, like type-2 diabetes, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.
These recipe will help you to eliminate belly fat and work to reduce the amount of fecal matter in your colon.
The main ingredient in this is parsley which is known for reducing stress, lowering uric acid levels, supplying the body with antioxidants, reducing fluid retention, and preventing kidney infections.
These remedy will have you feeling and looking better in no time.
Homemade Natural Colon Cleansing Recipes
These drink contains the most potent fat-burning ingredient, lemon, also as other extremely beneficial natural foods.
- 1 lemon
- a handful of parsley
- ½ cup of kefir
- 1 cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder